The Tailored Suit

(Just roll with the implied, and overt, sexism in this post, there’s a reason for it)

This post is a bit….umm…what’s a good word for it, myopic ? No. Shortsighted ? No. Singular! Yes. It’s also a little frivolous, vain, and seemingly not all that important because it’s all about what the MAN wears. Clothing that makes the man. That said….read on at your own inadequacies or inspiration!

Men!  Jeans and a t-shirt are great for the outdoors. They’re great for fixing the car. Or hanging out in the backyard with your buds with a few cold ones. However there is something that you have yet to learn about t-shirts, clothes, women, and their desires: There is nothing in the world quite like a well-tailored suit on a man! A man in a suit is like candy to a woman. It’s almost like an aphrodisiac! A man in a suit is a statement. It doesn’t matter if a man is out of shape, or in shape, tall, short, old or young. The visage of a man in a 3 piece tailored suit is quite striking. And not just any suit here, but a ‘tailored’ one. One that fits every nuance of the body.

Truthfully, putting on a suit does something to the psyche and the Male psyche at that. There is a sense of care for one’s detailed appearance. There is a sense of social presentation for one’s demeanor and physical person. There is also a sense of regalia and elegance. The suit embodies these ideals and so much more. Tango is an extension of these ideals, elegance, demeanor, social presentation, and decorum. As a result, a man is attentive of his personal grooming, hair, beard, mustache, etc in order to match the suit. This is played out so often that it’s not even funny anymore. So it is only fitting(no pun intended, really) that while the suit is the extension of the man, the grooming is the extension of respect for the space that one occupies, as a result, this same attention is paid to one’s dancing! Out goes the boleos, ganchos, volcadascolgadas, wraps, and whatnot that you unfortunately equate with ‘dancing’ Tango, and in goes walking, milonguero turns, milonguero ochos, argentine crosses (in cross-system). The 4 staples of Close Embrace, DIASS style of dancing! The embrace becomes nearly everything. The music….of course the music….the music becomes the extension of the embrace and dancing small, dancing in a confined, and refined space. This happens not because one’s range of motion has been limited but out of respect for the suit, and what it represents! You want to be elegant in your dancing, because you look elegant in the suit. All this is possible because of the perception of the suit. 

The Implied or Overt Sexism. In today’s world, and men finally waking up the fact that women are people too. Men today are having their ‘Come to Mary’ moment (as opposed to coming to jesus). There is a sense that the man-in-a-suit world is becoming a dinosaur, an idea of a forgotten age. The dinosaur is that women have no mind of their own (not), the dinosaur is that women go absolutely apeshit for a man in a suit (sometimes, depends on the man, and the woman), the dinosaur is the outdated sexism that is implied or overt in the thought and historical that went into the idea in the first place. So it’s not entirely accurate to state that man in a suit is like candy to a woman. That’s not true. Some women don’t give a rats damn what a man is wearing. And some women do. It really depends on the woman and where and how they were raised and what they’re attuned to. If the man is well-coiffed, groomed nicely, and he happens to be wearing a suit, no matter what gender is looking at this man, that man will appear to be ‘together’, ‘sharp’. So gender aside….the suit, make the modern man. 

Tango Topics Opinion. Do you have to wear a suit to dance ? No. Many men do not. Is there some written law somewhere that because the Lead is dancing Tango, that he must be in a suit and tie ? No. How about them thar Argentines though….if they’re dancing at a Milonga, how come they’re all dressed up in a 3 piece, and not just any 3 piece but one with the high shirt collars, tight tailored pans that fit precisely over their shoes without creasing them ???? That’s a choice. These men that dress up for their Milongas either to perform or just to social dance have elected to wear these ‘trappings’ for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is that they realize that it makes them look sharp. So let’s dispense with the fact that it’s a rule somewhere. It’s not. It’s a choice. Duh.

Secondly, let’s dispense with the notion that a man wearing a suit (and yes we’ve heard this line of gup, several times) has less embrace “connection” with their Followers than the Lead that isn’t wearing one. We need to unpack that one a bit. 1.) The word “connection” is a frakkin’ fallacy in tango, and it doesn’t mean what you think it does. Please go here and read the verbiage around it and why we say this.  2.) That line of gup is absolute and utter bullsh*t. The reality is that a man wearing a suit is no different from a tango perspective in their physiological contact with their Followers than a man that isn’t wearing one. The reality is that the suit doesn’t get in the way. It’s a perception and an erroneous one at that. If the suit is tailored or trimmed to fit the Man in question, then there should be no gaps or dead space in the suit, which might create physiological zones where the Follower MAY think or believe that they have to compress the embrace a bit more to find the physiological contact points that they’re used to. This assumes that the couple in question is in “Close Embrace” in sternum-to-sternum physiological contact with each other along the Lead’s Gig-Line (the buttons of their shirt create a vertical line which is known in military parlance as a “Gig-line”). The physiological contact points are still there no matter what the man is wearing. It’s not like they magically went away. They didn’t. Most men wear a shirt to dance, and that shirt has the same thickness as a dress shirt. So ummm, that’s a huge misconception.

Thirdly, let’s also dispense with the notion that the range of motion of the Lead is decreased in a suit. That’s again, horse-hockey! Not. The reality is that the range of motion in a tight-fitting suit, one that is well tailored should be like a glove to the body, and there should be no reason that one’s range of motion is impeded at all. Ever. So get that little thought right out of your head.

Next, there’s an old adage that applies to a man in a suit, “Dress to impress”. And that’s precisely what you’re doing. You’re dressing the part of the impressor. You want to create the impression that you respect the Milonga, the history, the embrace dynamic, and the codigos of the Milonga. While you don’t have to wear a suit to do all that, wearing a suit helps project that image. Tango is an arcane dance, and it comes with a few arcane customs. One of those arcane customs is a man in a suit. It’s entirely your choice to wear a suit while dancing.

The reality of wearing a suit while dancing is that you’re going to be hot. Insanely hot. The more you move around, the more you’re going to generate body heat! That’s a fact. There’s a reason why men in suits appear not to move a whole lot while dancing, and this is one of them. We’re not saying that it’s the whole reason, but let’s just say that having worn a suit or two while dancing or performing now and again, that we can safely attest to the fact that the suit, keeps all that body heat in. And all that heat has got to go somewhere! And boy does it ever go somewhere….sweat! And lots of it. Phew.

Still another thing you need to be aware of is the dry cleaning costs of a suit. To put it bluntly that shit adds up. The reality is that wearing it once, and only once because of the sweat, you’re going to get it all ‘dirty’ with all the sweat you’re building up. And for the man that sweats profusely, he’s going to want a change of shirt or shirts to go with the suit. That also gets expensive. At the same time, something else that gets that suit dirty, depending on your point of view: LIPSTICK, PERFUME, And sometimes…even, yes, Makeup with Glitter in it! Uuuuuuuuugh! Nothing says, “I’ve danced with every woman in the room like a man in a suit!….Just look at the trail of glitter, makeup, lipstick, and the waft of multiple perfumes.” That last part is true no matter if the man is wearing a suit or not. Just know that the suit is going to attract even more of that! So the dry cleaning thing is a reality. Therefore having a singular suit ? Not so much with that. Several suits. That’s the key.

Hmmmm…it should be noted that a Tailored suit, is fitted for the time that that body is what it is. Meaning that it is fitted to that particular body in space and time. Bodies change. Duh. So that suit does come with upkeep. Threads come loose. Buttons pop off. You do need to take it in now and again, assuming you’re not handy with a needle and thread. Keeping a suit tidy, sharp, crisp, does take a bit of effort. However, that effort is SOOO worth it when you see the effect that it has on your dancing, and your dancing partners, not to mention the potential dancing partners. Just sayin’….

One more thing, assuming you want to try out this novel idea. You’re going to run into a few variations on a theme as to what kind of suit to get, what happens with the shoes, and how does that work so that you don’t step on your own pant leg, and still another is what to do about the buttons of the suit jacket ? A good starting point for those that want to try out this idea of a suit, is to start with a nice sports jacket that goes well with Jeans and dress pants. That will give you an idea of what you’re getting into. If you like that and can manage that, then you can step up your game to a full rack bought suit. And once you’ve gone down that road, you’re going to want to get a tailored suit. In the states and most of europe, a tailored suit isn’t cheap. You’re going to pay a handsome price for one, but the results are worth the price tag. However in BsAs, and northern italy, that may not necessarily be true. The same goes for handmade shoes. If you stop and you think about it, assuming you’re going down this road a tailored suit is a perfect opportunity to up your shoe game. The sneakers or “Mr. Tango Suede Shoes need to go and be replaced by a nice pair of well…hand made shoes to go with the tailored suit. 🙂 As always YMMV but you may actually enjoy the visage and all the accolades that come with it.

We’ll pass along one more thing, something we learned early on: A suit hides a lot of sins! A LOT! You’ll see what that means when you put on the suit. 😉 Good luck.


The ‘D’ Word

At the beginning of our Tango lives, most of us who start out taking a weekly series to get our feet wet, just so that we can say we ‘learned’ to tango. If only that were the end of it. It’s not. The classes never stop really. If you want to improve. If you want to get better and better dances with better partners, then you need to improve.

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Dancing In Berlin

Berlin is known for many reasons around the world, it’s culture, it’s Berlin accent of German, it’s fact as a post-cold war city, and most recently the financial capital of Europe. Tango was certainly not on that list. If however, you happen to be a Tango dancer, and at a very specific place in your dance, then you have heard Yoda-like whispers of “Berlin…you should go to Berlin…”. There’s a reason for those whispers, which has turned into ‘talk’. It’s because there is a reason for all the ‘fuss’ over Tango in Berlin.

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The Taxi Dancer Paradox

The Taxi Dancer Paradox is that hiring or being one creates an undesirable social stigma and yet at the same time is actually a very practical, if not entirely reasonable resource to have available to solve the ‘waiting’ for a dance problem.

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Good/Bad & Dancer/Teacher

At the beginning of our Tango lives, most people go to a Tango Class to learn how to dance Tango. Some people throw caution to the wind and just go to the Milonga and ‘learn’ on the dance floor sometimes with positive but most of the time with disastrous results. And some people take the route of skipping group classes all together and start with one-on-one sessions to begin their Tango journey.

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The Neurology of Leading – Part 1

There’s a component to Leading that you cannot even begin to assess or even address that happens because we’re in the line of dance. All of us have spent time in practice sessions, or in working with somebody one on one, or doing solo practice work, or class time, or solo practice time, or solo class time with your teacher. All of that is warm up to getting you to what happens in the line of dance. This is what I refer to as the neurology of leading.

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A Community Tanda

What is a Community Tanda ? Put simply it’s a Tanda whereby the participants of a Milonga are invited, and then wholly encouraged, to dance with someone that they have NOT danced with before or at all.

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The Seasoned Dancer

The dancer who has been dancing for a certain amount of time has passed through the multiple, multiple flirtations. They’ve had the flirtations that lead to attractions, and then the attractions that turn into dalliances, and some that go beyond that.

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Social Dancing

Social Dancing’ means going out with friends, or to meet friends, at a Milonga, for the purpose of getting together to dance Argentine Tango (or most any other dance) better known as ‘Social Tango’. The emphasis is on the social part, and not the technical part.

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Heel vs. Toe (Lead) ?

Today’s Thought is a very old debate with a twist, as you’ll soon see. The Debate ? To step forward (or side) with a Heel strike first OR a Toe point first. So let’s debate, shall we ? The Heel Side: This side of the debate says that you can and should, when stepping forward, step forward as if you were walking on the street, normally. You would use the heel in a natural way, allowing it to strike the pavement or the floor (in the case of dancing) as you would normally. There’s nothing about this idea that is new. This is something that you don’t necessarily need to learn a whole lot about, as it just ‘happens’. There’s not a lot to it really.

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1.) Free Users get to see 5 of the 125 Different Tango Topics on the site. Plus you get access to the entire Tango Reminders and Tango Ideas sections of the site. These are short form Topic descriptors with a little detail about the topic and the video.

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5.) Basic, Premium, and Premium+ users get the ‘Dancing Perspectives’ & ‘The Soup’ sections of the document you just read (Lead, Follow, and Dancing) which are open to you. And that’s where all the good stuff is at. 

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8.) Access to ‘Tango Del Dia’ – Our Music Education System with access to 14 Days of Music, 30 Days of Music Education, and 30 More Days of Tango Del Dia. 

9.) We explain things, break the vocabulary down in a visual way, from multiple angles, showing feet, hands, and close ups! Yes there’s a lot of talking but we want you to understand what it is that you’re doing and why, not just steps, patterns, and figure

and #10:
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Keep something in the back of your mind: What you’re seeing in a youtube video is a couple that is performing for the 15th row for a room full of people. They’re not social dancingWhereas this website is all about ‘Social Tango’  or how to make things function on a social dance floor. Social Dance floor ? Your local milonga! They are showing you flashy moves as a presentation, to show off! But not stopping and talking about how this works which is what you need to see. This website and all of it’s content show you the how and  why you’d want to put that piece of vocabulary there, or how to make things work. This website is all about those things and more!

You could watch Tango YouTube videos and thereby spend your time, trying to infer, and figure out how things may work in that particular situation. Bend your body this way or that, twist and force this position or that. Place your foot here or there and figure it out. This is known as Tango Twister.  Which can be a lot of fun, but more than likely it won’t help you, because you’re missing something: The explanation from an experienced teacher showing you how to properly excute this stuff from a Leading Perspective as well as from a Following Perspective!

The goal of YouTube videos is to get you to study with those teachers in person. The goal of Tango Topics videos allows you to work at your own pace, in the comfort of your own space, so that you can play them over and over again to improve your understanding of the vocabulary or technique being described to therefore better your dancing experience. The goal of classes and workshops is to get you to come back over and over and over again, thereby spending more money with that teacher. This website and the videos under it are here to act as a resource for you to help you to improve your dance. Pay once and you’re done.

Eventually, one way or another you’re going to pay for this lesson, either here and now, or with them. TANSTAAFL! The difference between that lesson and this ? Is that you get to play this lesson over and over and over again. Further still, there are supporting materials (other videos) that help to explain the language and the underlying technique of how and why things work, so you can easily reference those things in the corresponding articles that go with the material, and or any language in the Tango Topics Dictionary. 


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