Failure to analyze why things don’t work and you will continue to create problems for yourself and your partners. Invest in either private lessons, private study, or instructional videos. However, repeating the same thing over and over again expecting different results is not the smartest thing to do. Ask, analyze, question, investigate, try, refine, clarify constantly
Age (Women)
The fact is that the younger and prettier you are, the more physically attractive you are, the more likely you are to get dances. That’s fact. I mean we’re dealing with ‘men’ here so … well do the math! However just because said younger and prettier girl gets the dance does not necessarily mean that said Follower will keep it. A good number of better leads, will actually over look said younger and prettier girl because they know that said Follower can barely walk, turn, embrace, or for that matter breathe properly. That is, unfortunately, only about 10-20% of the available L/leads in the room.