Follower Forward Steps. For a Follower, this type of walking step only happens 4 times in the dance. In Forward Ochos (and it’s variations), the Ocho Cortado (and it’s variations), the Follower’s Molinete (not the Milonguero Turn), all Calesitas and Walking Turns, and lastly Milonga! This is an important step
Follower Technique. This is quite possibly the single most important thing that a Follower can do for themselves, to study how to take their 3 most important steps, Foward, Side, and Back. Usually Follower technique only covers these items. However, in recent years it has grown to cover and certain
The Follower’s Molinete is considered to be the common turn of Argentine Tango. This is the turn that is taught at the beginning of most foundation courses. It is one of 8 possible turn types that is usually taught and danced. The turn consists of a disassociative Backstep, a ‘circular’
Foundation. While Argentine Tango has it’s ‘8 Count Basic‘, and is considered by many to be a ‘basic’ of the dance. It is not the Foundation of the dance. The Foundation of the dance consists of the following 5 things: 1.) Presence. 2.) Forward Steps, Side Sides, Back Steps (for
Every dance has a ‘Basic’, this is Argentine Tango’s “Basic” Step. It consists of 8 steps that match a musical 8 count, which is how it got its name – The 8 Count ‘Basic’. The image above is one of two ground reliefs in Buenos Aires. This one was taken
The Golden Nugget. Refers to a foundational piece of Tango vocabulary that you will see no where else, which is taught by no one else except Tango Topics and it’s progenitors. The Golden Nugget is an exceptionally useful piece of tango vocabulary that allows both Lead and Follow to dance
Why Should You Signup ? The simplest reason is that you won’t find this stuff anywhere else. It’s a different kind of tango education. It will help you to understand what you want, how to do it, and why you want to do things with Intention in mind. It will show you how to listen to the music, and how to create different types of vocabulary, as well as how to engage in the milonga environment. This site is all about showing you a better pathway towards a type of tango that reinforces the ideas of Social Tango thru Intention Based Dancing.