Circular Boleos
What is a Circular Boleo ? This is a lifting of the leg (Lead or Follow, typically though it’s the Follower’s leg) that tends to curve (hence the circular part) up and sometimes
What is a Circular Boleo ? This is a lifting of the leg (Lead or Follow, typically though it’s the Follower’s leg) that tends to curve (hence the circular part) up and sometimes
What is a Linear Boleo ? Firstly there are many varieties of Boleos. Tango Topics is only talking about 3 very common ones: Social, Circular, and today’s topic: The <a class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="cmtt_12a8107d608dcdb020cf76e835d38160"
Gancho. The word in Spanish translates to the English word, roughly, as ‘Hook’. From an Argentine Tango perspective it has a very specific meaning. You’ve seen these things hundreds of times, and while the <a class="glossaryLink cmtt_Definition" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="cmtt_24d6924183285158fd61f4f15f05d944" href=""
What are the Eight Follower Ganchos ? The Eight Follower Ganchos are Ganchos that look very similar to the 4 Common Ganchos with one major difference: These Ganchos have NO invasion to them. In the 4 Common Ganchos the Lead is creating a Gancho (hook) by invading the Follower’s free
What is a Golden Sacada ? The Golden Sacada consists of 6 Sacadas that when placed together create the illusion of them being a ‘figure’ when in fact it’s actually a series of Sacadas that are chained together, or a Chained Sacada that flows quite nicely from one Sacada idea
What is a Crossing Sacada Turn ? In its simplest form it’s nothing more than a series of Simple Sacadas that are chained together that just so happen to utilize the
What is a ‘Loco’ Sacada ? It is an over-rotation of the Follower’s Ocho, employing an Over-Rotated Back Ocho for the Follower into the Lead’s Forward Step.
How Do We Want To End A Dance ? Answer: Simply. Nothing flashy, but very simple and plain which is to say: The way you start a dance is how we want to end a dance. If you started out facing each other, then you want to end up facing
There are 9 Tango Habits that we want to address going forward. This article shows you what they are and what other options you can invoke to change those habits. You must register to see the full video though. 🙂 It’s free and painless and besides, you might learn something….
In Today’s 49-minute Building Block Episode we examine The Follower’s Molinete to the Lead’s Giro while adding Lead Extensions, and then adding the surprise element of the Follower’s Parada!
Why Should You Signup ? The simplest reason is that you won’t find this stuff anywhere else. It’s a different kind of tango education. It will help you to understand what you want, how to do it, and why you want to do things with Intention in mind. It will show you how to listen to the music, and how to create different types of vocabulary, as well as how to engage in the milonga environment. This site is all about showing you a better pathway towards a type of tango that reinforces the ideas of Social Tango thru Intention Based Dancing.