Tag: walking

Argentine Rock Steps

An Argentine Rock Step is a little different. It refers to a very specific construct, and is not swaying to from side to side, or back and forth, but actually weight transfer to weight transfer (usually back and forth) sometimes with a Resolution (more on

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Your Trip to BsAs

The fact is that for a lot of you, 2 weeks in Buenos Aires is all you can really manage. You’ll go, spend scads of money on airfare, apartment, shoes, clothes, privates with X and Y, and then spend every waking moment taking class after class after class in those

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The Dark Side Salida

The Salida. The Spanish word ‘Salida’ translates in English to ‘Exit’ or ‘Left’ as in the past tense of the verb to ‘Leave’. However when we apply this to Argentine Tango it means something else entirely different. It is a process that includes <a

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Golden Nugget Extensions

What is a Golden Nugget Extension ? The title is a both a double-entendre as well as a deliberate explanation of what it is. First, it’s taking the Golden Nugget and adding an expansion pack to it. Things you probably hadn’t thought of

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Walking Systems

What are Walking Systems ? These are 18 different ways that we can walk in Argentine Tango. Not the how-we-walk, or the mechanics of how we walk but the multiple methods to the ways in which we might want to

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Tango Articulation

What is Tango Articulation ? It is a state where by the movement of one’s body parts, specifically the extremities of feet, legs, arms, and hands, create sharp and detailed lines that accentuate the form of the body in relationship to the pleasing and iconic shape of the couple in the

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