There is an issue with the Follower’s Molinete, and the Lead’s corresponding Giro. An issue so big, so problematic that when you see it, you’ll think that there’s no issue at all. None. Truth be told you see the issue all the time, and because it happens with such frequency, that you hardly pay any attention to it. That is until your local teacher (worth the whole reason you’re paying them in the first place) says to you in the nicest way they know how something to the effect of, “Hey! Pinhead! What are you doing ?“. Now at this point it should be pointed out that this is not just one problem, but in fact two. The Follower’s and The Lead’s. Both issues co-combine to create this problem child. So what exactly is the issue ? The Molinete Problem.
What is “The Molinete Problem” ? It is an issue for both Lead and Follow that happens as a result of a co-combined problem. From the Lead’s perspective, the Follower will step away from the Follower. From the Follower’s perspective, the Lead’s hips are in the way and they can’t ‘get around’ their Lead in order to complete their Molinete. This is the Molinete Problem in it’s simplest form. The problem is actually much deeper than this. How’s that ? Habit! From the Follower’s perspective, they have had to accommodate every level of L/lead and as a result, they must make adjustments to how they’re accomplishing what they’re being led to. Over a period of time because they’ve had to adjust to X, Y, and Z, and in specific, to not having enough space the Follower makes an accommodation to making it possible for them to get around their L/lead. And in specific, their back step around their Lead in their Molinete to the Lead’s Giro. From the Lead’s perspective, the problem is that they’re quite literally in their own way. How’s that ? Their hips need to move backward. But, because they believe that everything literally revolves around them, they never quite realize that the Follower has to do an enormous amount of work in order to their Molinete, they never move, and end up creating the problem that they want to avoid. This is the nature of the Molinete Problem.