Active Follower

Typically when people hear this phrase, they immediately jump to the conclusion that the Follower is taking control of the dance. This tends to scare the living sh*t out of Leads, and other Followers, who see it as absolutely heresy! While it is true that an Active Follower has this ability to control the dance, this is not their primary goal, nor should it be. As there are some rules that the Active Follower adheres to in order to keep things in check. Otherwise they’ll be perceived as the Wild or Willful Follower. Suffice it said, that a well trained Active Follower is in many ways like a Jedi Knight, and really a Jedi Master. “A Jedi (Master) uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack (to misquote Yoda)”. The same is true of the Active Follower.