The One About ‘Pushing’.

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You’ve all heard this phrase used by Tango teachers to get their students to walk:

“You must PUSH from the floor!”

I’ll spare you here and get straight to it.


Read that again, I’ll wait.

Why am I yapping about this ?

Mostly because of the fallacy language that people use to create understanding which does the polar opposite when reasoning or facts you can check yourself gets involved.

Years ago when I used this phrase on a student I had at MIT, who, at the time, was getting his phd in Biomechanics, said to me, “Ummm Miles, you know that all muscles pull, right ?”. I stopped and asked what he meant and he dropped the fact with deets.

The reality is that “pushing from the floor” is an illusion of gravity. In reality you are pulling yourself across the floor (forward, side, or back). There is no push!

Read that again.

To be fair there are muscles that seemingly push, but all the muscles attached to your skeletal frame do, in fact, ‘pull’. However as I said there are muscles that do ‘push’ but it is the way that they are attached and contract that creates the illusion of pushing which is in fact … say it with me … PULLING.

When I started teaching from this precept, a curious thing started to happen. Understanding started to happen. And more importantly most dancers started to be responsible for their own movement.

Oddly enough the reasoning actually coincided with another precept I liked to say a lot, “I Move Me”. Which is to say that the dancer, not their partner is responsible for them moving themselves! Which is akin to you pulling yourself across the floor.

Far too often one of the many fallacies of tango is that (due to the mistranslation of entregar and entregarse early on) is that the Followers head was filled with bullsh1t about ‘submitting to their partners’ and the like. Which created the delusion that the Follower wasn’t responsible for their actions, the Lead was. Which naturally fed into the belief that the Male Lead was in control. You can see where this is going right ?

For those of you that can’t see it, it led to hanging, pulling, and being lethargic and the follower not being aware of their own body in relationship to their partner. Not to mention a few other things that would definitely make this a TLDR;

Suffice it said that the statement, “push from the floor” Is yet another tango fallacy that needs to stop.

Sadly, I know I’m out here in the field waving my arms and no one gives a f4ck. “It’s just a phrase Miles! No one actually believes that!”. Ummm … wrong. They do. I wish I could show the countless videos I still have in my student progress lesson archives that tell a completely different story. The amount of tango misinformation floating around out there that people literally have paid their tango misteachers to hear is nothing short of staggering.

So please for the love of my sanity, and clarity, STOP saying this. And when you hear it being used, drop some truth.

And that concludes our Tango Reality Check for the day.

Thanks for playing.


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Keep something in the back of your mind: What you’re seeing in a youtube video is a couple that is performing for the 15th row for a room full of people. They’re not social dancingWhereas this website is all about ‘Social Tango’  or how to make things function on a social dance floor. Social Dance floor ? Your local milonga! They are showing you flashy moves as a presentation, to show off! But not stopping and talking about how this works which is what you need to see. This website and all of it’s content show you the how and  why you’d want to put that piece of vocabulary there, or how to make things work. This website is all about those things and more!

You could watch Tango YouTube videos and thereby spend your time, trying to infer, and figure out how things may work in that particular situation. Bend your body this way or that, twist and force this position or that. Place your foot here or there and figure it out. This is known as Tango Twister.  Which can be a lot of fun, but more than likely it won’t help you, because you’re missing something: The explanation from an experienced teacher showing you how to properly excute this stuff from a Leading Perspective as well as from a Following Perspective!

The goal of YouTube videos is to get you to study with those teachers in person. The goal of Tango Topics videos allows you to work at your own pace, in the comfort of your own space, so that you can play them over and over again to improve your understanding of the vocabulary or technique being described to therefore better your dancing experience. The goal of classes and workshops is to get you to come back over and over and over again, thereby spending more money with that teacher. This website and the videos under it are here to act as a resource for you to help you to improve your dance. Pay once and you’re done.

Eventually, one way or another you’re going to pay for this lesson, either here and now, or with them. TANSTAAFL! The difference between that lesson and this ? Is that you get to play this lesson over and over and over again. Further still, there are supporting materials (other videos) that help to explain the language and the underlying technique of how and why things work, so you can easily reference those things in the corresponding articles that go with the material, and or any language in the Tango Topics Dictionary.