The 'Basics' of Tango
Everyone thinks that they don’t need their BASICS, or that they don’t need to revisit their foundation. Wrong. You do. Constantly. Unless you teach, and even then you do – even more so, you must revisit your foundation to help you to fix the errors, and yes you have them, that have crept in that you are unaware of. On this site there are over 800 videos and articles (not including all the other stuff) on Tango Topics for you to watch and learn from. It’s not just the videos, but the articles that contain the most of what you need to know to elevate your dance. We’re not trying to sell you videos here, but instead to inform and engage you to educate yourself wherever possible.

Musical Interpretation with the Argentine Cross 🙂
Section 5b of Musical Interpretation, we continue with specific granular control (from a leading and following perspective), with a piece of well known and well-worn piece of Tango vocabulary occurring in a very discrete place. The discrete place ? The Musical Paragraph Marker! And the vocabulary ? The Argentine Cross.

Teaching Musical Interpretation
1.) Learning the Pauses. First let’s dispense with the fact that you ‘Yes you must know where the beat is at’! That’s a given. Tango Topics does an adequate job of giving you the tools to hear the beat, not to mention describes what the on or down beat is, also what the off beat is and how to hear it, as well as the tempo of the music, and the frequent error that happens in relation to ‘tempo’ for a lot of people when hearing and then dancing to the music. Learning the Pauses is only one method of learning the music.

A Useful 8 Count Basic
What is a Useful 8 Count Basic ? Put simply it is a modification, and goes further by actually adding for variations on a theme. The modification has to do with orientation, and then actual rotation. That if you modify the orientation of certain steps and you rotate the resulting steps in certain ways then the 8 Count Basic becomes more than useful, it’s actually a lot of fun in nearly any embrace that you can come up with (including the Berlin Embrace)! Not only that there’s a possible surprise at the end that you weren’t expecting that’s sitting there!

8 Tips To Desirable Tango
So how do you get to the effortlessness of the dancers above ? Below are 8 tips towards that goal. It is not the only pathway, and this by no means is an exhaustive list of what has to happen, but it is a good starting point. When reading through these points there is something that you absolutely must keep in mind, that you must not forget. Most of these points (except the musical one) come from a place of self-honestly.

Engaging The Embrace
Leads you have a role and a job, several, and one of them is creating an embrace structure that is comfortable for the Follower while at the same time creates the iconic visual that is a Tango embrace, that allows for maximum effect with minimal input. Put another way, you have 3 primary goals: 1.) Navigation. 2.) Architecture. and 3.) Music. Under the category of Architecture we have 2 sub-categories. 2a.) Form. and 2b.) Vocabulary. Think of 2a as what we look like (the visual), and think of 2b as what you do with 2a in time to 3, while employing 1. And all of that starts with – Engaging The Embrace.

The Cross – Getting In Front
For most Followers, that haven’t been properly trained, they are rushed into an Argentine Cross right from the start of their Tango dancing lives. Aside from Ochos, it’s the one thing that they’re pressed to do without any training aside from the Lead/er (Controlling Lead hence the ‘/er’ part) that

The Second Step Problem
As Leads, there are many issues that we need to address and then redress, and then revisit several million times over and the reason is that while we may believe (operative word in the sentence) that we’re leading X, Y, or Z, the reality is far from that. Usually. It’s

The Ballet Rise
Let’s dispense with a few misnomers right out of the gate. 1.) Balance is not the same thing as Stability. 2.) Balance is a component of Stability. 3.) Your stability is generated via 3 very different mechanisms that are all connect via your nervous system. And so that we’re clear on this one, one of them is not your ‘core’, and anyone that tells you different is either lying through their eye-teeth, or doesn’t understand anatomy and physiology of the human body. Truth be told, your ‘core’ muscles have absolutely nothing to do with stability. Nada. Zip. Zero.

Picking Your Teacher
Dancing and teaching are not the same things. Choosing a teacher based on whether or not they dance well as the sole criteria for whether or not the can teach you to dance is not a good idea. These are two very different skills. Far too often people make the mistake (followers) of being impressed by this the skill to dance thinking that equates to the skill to teach.