The Dictionary of Tango
Most often ‘hanging’ refers to what a Follower will do with their arms, placing them around their Follower shoulders and neck, and placing their weight on top of their lead either through conscious action or being unaware that they’re doing it. Either way, ‘hanging’ of any sort is undesirable.
The usage of this word refers to how someone performs a piece of tango vocabulary or a movement. Specifically how sharp or clear that movement is in relation to everything else that is being done.
This usually describes a state whereby both parties of the couple physiologically twist their bodies to meet their partner’s body in a warped, or misshapen tangle of arms, hands, elbows, and heads in strange and forced positions to hold a specific spot or position. Usually, this happens with hands and
Constriction. Either partner can use/employ Constriction with their arms (often with the forearms), either intentionally or unintentionally, as a way to stabilize, or to control, usually to control, their partner’s movements. Typically Constriction is employed to a.) Keep the partnership together. The more you squeeze your partner, the more they
Compression. This term refers to physiological pressure from the dancer’s arms, around their partner’s bodies, as a way to direct them to do x, y and z. Usually as a directive to indicate from the Lead to the Follower that they do x, y, or z movement. This is sometimes a
Contact. As in physiological Contact, the Tango Topics opinion on this is ‘feather lite‘, tactile, contact with all parts of our bodies coming into contact with our partner’s body parts. There should be no tension, compression, tension, or force in that contact, in any way, shape, or form.
Connection. [See ‘The Connection Fallacy‘]. (pron: con-ek-shun) According to Webster’s Dictionary it is an English word which has 5 possible definitions. 1.) The state of being connected. 2.) Something that connects. 3.) A person connected to another person by marriage, kinship, or common interest. 4.) a political, social, professional, or
Follower Bashing
Follower Bashing. Put simply, this is where a Lead blames the Follower for missing something musically, or kinesthetically, or not reading the Lead’s mind. This is really Lead arrogance that they’re being superior as dancers. And yes this happens quite frequently, more than you would think or like it to
Feedback should be self explanitory. However the question that most have is how to give and receive feedback. Follow this link on specifically you should do that!
Ballet Rise
A very specific tango exercise that helps or assists with your posture and your stability. Click here to find out more!