Tooltip Tags: Embrace

Vee Embrace

The Vee Embrace. This way of dancing, and embracing ones partner has been around for a long, long while at this point. There are two primary variations of the embrace format, 1.) an Open Vee. 2.) a Closed Vee. Put simply the Vee Embrace is where the partnership is anywhere

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Berlin Embrace

Berlin Embrace. This is a Tango Topics construct, and an observation, of what sometimes (operative word in the sentence) has been observed happening while dancing in Berlin, infrequently. This is not a taught style of dance. There are no classes, or workshops, or anyone that Tango Topics knows of that

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Reverse Embrace

This is exactly what it sounds like. – as a Lead and a Follow, we reverse the embrace structure. Meaning that the Lead‘s right arm is where the Follower’s right arm would be, and the lead‘s left goes around the Follower. And vice versa. That’s it, that’s all. The benefits

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Square Embrace

Square Embrace. Sometimes referred to as being ‘Buttons-to-Buttons‘ with your partner, refers to the partner’s torsos facing each other at all times during the course of a dance, where the torsos align in a ‘squared’ up fashion. If both partners were wearing buttoned shirts, that the ‘gig-line’ of those buttoned

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Close Embrace

Close Embrace. This is an iconic look of Tango that has many variations and is usually the common visual of what you see people dancing with on a social dance floor. Close Embrace can be, but is not limited to Vee, Berlin, Pseudo, or even what you might think of

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Tension. Yup! You probably guessed this one, it’s not desirable to do this. Tension is what happens with the dancer’s arms to keep or hold their partner in place. Tension can also be applied with the fingers, neck, shoulders, and torso. However, in this instance, it’s mostly about the arms,

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Pulling. It is generally used to either move someone, or to initiate a movement such as the erroneous ‘pivot’. Usually initiated by a Lead but also a Follower as well, when the Lead will grab or hold firmly to the Lead’s hand, where the Lead’s shoulders and shoulder blade creates

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Pushing. It is generally used to either move someone, or initiate, or to receive a movement, such as the erroneous ‘pivot’ idea. Usually initiated by a Follower but also a Lead as well, when the Follower will grab or hold firmly to the Lead’s hand, where the Follower’s shoulders and

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