No-no Volcada. This refers to an error in leading the Volcada that is either forced, pushed, pulled (more likely), and unsupported (most certainly unlikely).
“THUD” is an uncontrolled, unsightly, and ungainly foot placement which results in a heavy step and we generally feel the impact of that step which reverberates up through the ankle, then the knees, the legs to the hips, up along the spinal column, and then out through the arms in
Buenos Aires. Birthplace of Argentine Tango. However, you should really check out the related links for Salon Canning, La Viruta, Castellano, and tool that you really need to see: Preparing for Buenos Aires
Default. Typically this refers to what a Dancer will go back to what they know, or is familiar with, without conscious thought or reason. They’re completely unaware that they’re doing ‘X’ at all. Where ‘X’ could be, but is not limited to, Unintended Motion, Head Tilt, Compression, Tension, Force, Pressure,
Tango Floorcraft refers to a whole cadre of practices, relationships, and awarenesses that we have to be fully cognizant of in order to dance argentine tango as a Lead or as a Follow. Primarily it deals with spacing between the couples and the maintenance of that space at all times.
Why Should You Signup ? The simplest reason is that you won’t find this stuff anywhere else. It’s a different kind of tango education. It will help you to understand what you want, how to do it, and why you want to do things with Intention in mind. It will show you how to listen to the music, and how to create different types of vocabulary, as well as how to engage in the milonga environment. This site is all about showing you a better pathway towards a type of tango that reinforces the ideas of Social Tango thru Intention Based Dancing.